Gastrointestinal Surgery

Surgery & medical treatment for diseases of stomach, esophagus, duodenum, small intestines, colon, rectum etc.

Ours is a high burden unit for Gastrointestinal and Cancer surgery. A wide range of elective and emergency abdominal surgeries are regularly performed. We are performing most of the esophageal, gastric, intestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, colorectal and anal surgeries.  

Gastrointestinal Surgery

Esophagus Esophagus Cancer: Transhiatal esophagectomy, McKeown esophagectomy

Stomach: Peptic ulcers: Perforation repair, Truncal Vagotomy & Pyloroplasty, Proximal Vagotomy, Partial Gastrectomy, Antrectomy

Cancer Stomach: D-2 Gastrectomy, Gastrojejunostomy, Palliative Gastrectomy

Trichobeazors: Removal

Corrosive injuries: Feeding jejunostomies, Gastrojejunostomy, Gastrectomy

Emergencies: Gastric/ Duodenal Perforation repair, Surgery for bleeding peptic ulcers

Leiomyosarcoma of stomach: A rare presentation.Published: Internet journal of Surgery,2007 Volume 9 No 2

Palliative Distal Gastrectomy for Cancer of Stomach in a 55 yrs, male patient.

   Stomach mobilized with greater omentum.

Duodenum:Complicated Peptic ulcers[Bleeding peptic ulcer, Gastric outlet obstruction, perforation of peptic ulcer]: Truncal vagotomy with Gastrojejunostomy, Antrectomy, partial gastrectomy, perforation repairs, ligation of gastroduodenal artery with pyloroplasty.

Duodenal Diverticulae: dudenojejunostomy

Duodenal injury: Duodenal repair, Vaughan’s pyloric exclusion with gastrojejunostomy.

Small intestine surgeries: 

Enteric perforations[ Typhoid perforation, Tubercular ileal perforation]: perforation repairs, ileostomy

Intestinal obstruction[tuberculosis, crohn's disease, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, intussusception, volvulus, bands & adhesions, obstructed hernias, mesenteric vascular ischaemia]: Adhenolysis, intestinal resections with anastomosis, stricturoplasty, Meckel’s diverticulectomy, Right hemicolectomy for tuberculosis & malignancy, radical resection for small intestine cancers.

Malrotation of midgut loop/ Non rotation of midgut/ midgut volvulus: Ladd procedure, division of band of ladd with placing of small intestine on right side and colon on left side, appendicectomy.                                                     

Nonrotation of midgut loop

Ceacum/Appendix on left with narrow dudenocolic isthmus

Nonrotation of midgut loop in an adult. [Published:Internet Jour. of Surgery. 2010 Vol 26 No 1]

Band of ladd was divided placing small intestine on right side and colon on left side. Appendectomy was done.

Duodenal and jejunal diverticulae: Dudenal resection, jejunal resection with anastomosis.

Vermiform Appendix: Appendicitis: Diagnostic Laparoscopy, Laparoscopic appendicectomy/ open appendicectomy.

Photogallery Gastrointestinal Surgery

Duodenum transected and stump closed.

Clamp applied on greater curve in preparation for transection of proximal stomach.

 Specimen removed and Roux en Y                              Gastrojejunostomy performed.